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Can you relate to my story?

Why do I coach?

No matter how hard I tried, when I was a young mom with 5 kids in 8 years,

I was disorganized, exhausted, joyless and scattered.

I spent much of my early motherhood overwhelmed.

I sought comfort in distraction, self-pity, coffee and sugar. I cried a lot. I yelled a lot. My house was a wreck and my marriage wasn't much better. I didn't know how to say "no" to my poor habits or others. I berated myself all day long.

I just didn't know how it was all supposed to work.

But I knew God wanted me to raise kids that knew Him.

And that meant He wanted me to be a mother after His own heart.


But what did that even mean? What were the ACTUAL THINGS I needed to do in order to get there?


Hey There! I'm Dawn.

One of the reasons I became a coach is because I believe that motherhood is the most important job in the world with the least amount of support, and I wanted to give mamas the help I wish I had long ago. Over the years I have been able to expand that vision to help women from all walks of life in the critical areas of time, home, self & faith management, as well as ADHD Coaching.


How we spend our time is how we spend our lives. The MamaStrong Method™ helped me to prioritize and move through my days in peace & purpose. I now help women analyze, assess and grow in their lives using these principles.


I believe that no matter what you are dealing with in your life God wants you to know that you are dearly loved, that help is available to you, and that you are the priceless woman He set apart to love your loved ones & fulfill your purpose in a spirit of balanced, grace-filled excellence.


4 billion women on the planet. God chose YOU.

I wasted so much time trying to be the perfect woman, but deep down I was exhausted and riddled with anxiety.


But I wanted to be exceptional.

I started researching how other women I admired were doing it. I searched the Bible. I read books. I talked to women that were ahead of me who were thriving. They all tended to do the same things in similar ways. I noticed a pattern. A rhythm. And a particular attitude that marked exceptional womanhood.


I was able to distill it into a cohesive life-statement: "Womanhood that God considers successful is one that

lives WHAT matters to Him in a WAY that matters to Him." And I was able to make it actionable by designing the MamaStrong Method™ which prioritizes life according to 8 touchpoints.


I began to build my life after the pattern I saw, and something amazing began to happen.


I was less overwhelmed. I had a plan for my day and was clear in my purpose. I was getting the soul-care I needed and was healthier spiritually and emotionally. My husband and I were in step with each other. My children were THRIVING.  Oh sure, I was making still tons of mistakes, but I handled them better. My home was consistently clean & organized because I was developing systems and was leading my family in regular resets of those systems.


Most importantly, I was falling deeper and deeper in love with Jesus and blessing His heart by gladly surrendering to Him my whole self.

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If the mother changes, the generations after her change.

Dawn Swayne

Look, I don't want to over-spiritualize this, but the truth is Jesus Christ changed my life, my womanhood and my eternal destiny.
He is real and He helped me heal from my criminally traumatic childhood.

Which is why I believe you can be a great woman, wife, mother, etc. even if you come from a history of pain.


Because that's my story.

A little bit of my testimony...

Trigger Warning: My story mentions different kinds of abuse. Please skip this section if necessary.

I was a mixed girl from the deep south who hated Jesus. Abandoned by my father around 6 years old. The first time I saw my mother beaten I was about 7, but it wouldn't be the last time I would see that happen.  I was abused mentally, physically & emotionally my entire childhood, and sexually abused from the ages of 9-17. The night before I graduated from Duke I was sexually abused again by a family member. I suffered hundreds of traumas. As a result I was a severely depressed, tormented, self-destructive, arrogant, angry, lost young woman. And then Jesus stepped in.


I'm a whole woman today because God got a hold of my hostile heart (and I found some great counseling!). I've been diagnosed with C-PTSD & I am a recovering co-dependent. Jesus saw past all of everything bad, took my tattered life as His own and filled it with the most amazing thing: Himself. I was nothing. He took me anyway and made me His. He saved me, not just from hell, but from myself. I never wanted to be a wife or mother because I was terrified of the world and I didn't trust myself to be good to my kids. But Christ brought His healing, joy, strength & wisdom into my life. The people I love benefit from this great work. I am not perfect and I still make mistakes, but I love the woman I am today. I clawed and battled viciously to become her, but all of that fight is nothing compared to what Christ did for me on the Cross!


I want you to experience this, too.


God has put you together in such a way that your loved ones will not thrive without you, and you won't thrive without them. You have a unique position and gifting. No matter what you've been through.

No matter what you are facing, let's tap into God's wisdom and my experience to help you realize the great woman you already are and the excellent woman you want to become.

Quick Facts 







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